Chung-Hsing Paper Corporation Yilan Self-made – Restoration Planning, Design, Supervision, and Adaptation Project Services for Chung-Hsing Paper Corporation Historic Building Complex

Design concept

The Chung Hsing Paper Mill Shijie Plant was established between the years of 1935 and 1937 during the Showa era. It was the first factory in the world to successfully produce pulp using bagasse and Keimei (ghost fruit). Later, it switched to using wood as the raw material for pulp production and added buildings for wood processing. Even after World War II, it continued to produce newsprint and became the largest paper mill in Taiwan twice. The plant witnessed the development of the paper industry in the Yilan area as it was influenced by the sugar industry. It is one of the few remaining examples of paper mill buildings from the Japanese colonial period, with a well-preserved industrial system, making it of significant historical value in terms of technological and architectural history.

Building scale

The total land area is fixed at 94,130.25 square meters

Project introduction

No. 6-8, Section 2, Zhongzheng Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, Taiwan

Project introduction

No. 6-8, Section 2, Zhongzheng Road, Wujie Township, Yilan County, Taiwan