
The new project for the NTU Hospital Jinshan Branch Long-Term Care and Medical Complex Building has been shortlisted as a finalist in the “Net Zero Architecture Nth Power Competition.”

2024-08-09T15:08:21+08:00By |

[Our New Project for the NTU Hospital Jinshan Branch Long-Term Care and Medical Complex Building Has Made It to the Finals of the "Net Zero Architecture Nth Power Competition"!] After continuous efforts and innovative design, our new project for the NTU Hospital Jinshan Branch Long-Term Care and Medical Complex Building has reached the finals of


2024-08-09T15:04:56+08:00By |

本所經過不斷努力與創新設計的臺大醫院金山分院長照暨醫療綜合大樓新建工程入圍「淨零建築N次方大賽」決賽! 12/15當天參與頒獎典禮,很榮幸能與各界精英交流分享心得! 這是本所努力不懈所累積的成就,也是對團隊努力的肯定! 工商時報相關報導↓ https://www.ctee.com.tw/news/20231215701712-431204 持續關注本所↓ https://chingarch.com.tw/ #淨零N次方 #內政部建築研究所 #財團法人台灣建築中心 #臺大醫院金山分院長照暨醫療綜合大樓新建工程 #團隊合作 #景雅琦建築師事務所設計 #山海雲集團 #景雅琦建築師事務所 #宜林大診所 #景鈞室內裝修設計規劃有限公司 #景鈞營造股份有限公司 #景華建設股份有限公司

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