• 歷史建築松山療養所昆陽街185號-修復再利用工程

    Restoration and Reuse Project for Historic Building Song-Shan Sanatorium (No. 185 Kun-Yang Street)

  • 歷史建築萬華國中活動中心修復及再利用計畫案

    Historization architecture Jiji Camphor brand oiffce site and work report two periods or terms engineering

  • 重要聚落建築群望安花宅古厝修復工程監造及工作紀錄技術服務案

    Historization architecture Jiji Camphor brand oiffce site and work report two periods or terms engineering

  • 市定古蹟觀音禪堂修復及再利用計畫

    Historization architecture Jiji Camphor brand oiffce site and work report two periods or terms engineering

  • 新竹海軍燃料廠觸媒工廠修復再利用、規劃設計、監造案

    Historization architecture Jiji Camphor brand oiffce site and work report two periods or terms engineering

  • 市定古蹟日新國小紅樓修復及再利用計畫

    Historization architecture Jiji Camphor brand oiffce site and work report two periods or terms engineering

  • 歷史建築杭州南路老房子運動

    Historization architecture Jiji Camphor brand oiffce site and work report two periods or terms engineering

  • 臺中支局業菸草再乾燥廠建築群修復工程委託規畫設計(含因應計畫)及管線系統評估案

    Commissioned Planning and Design (including Adaptation Plan) and Pipeline System Evaluation for Tai-Chung Branch Industry Tobacco Redrying Facility Building Complex

  • 宜蘭興自造-中興紙廠歷史建築群修復規劃、設計、監造與因應計畫

    Chung-Hsing Paper Corporation Yilan Self-made - Restoration Planning, Design, Supervision, and Adaptation Project Services for Chung-Hsing Paper Corporation Historic Building Complex

  • 市定古蹟第一商業銀行宜蘭分行修復規劃設計

    Historization architecture Jiji Camphor brand oiffce site and work report two periods or terms engineering